All of the volunteers are real friendly and its great sharing experiences together.
Everyone is going to be working in Africa, but unfortunately no one here will be with me in Tanzania. I'll meet the VSO Tanzania "family" in just 3 days!
Just the kitchen in my room at the Extended Stay Hotel in Ottawa. Pretty standard hotel room, I just wanted to practice posting a picture and "blogging" before I arrive in Africa.
Ottawa is the home of the VSO Canada headquarters and site for "SKWID" (Skills for Working in Development), a 4 day pre-departure training course. SKWID is designed to brief volunteers on developing skills in participation + effective work in a developing country.
After my flight in, I passed customs with 110 pounds of books and clothes, enough to last 2 years in Africa (maybe). I took a cab to the hotel to check in, grabbed a bite to eat and then met the rest of the group for some group activities and dinner.
Its still early but going to relax in the hotel room and read. Breakfast starts at 8 tomorrow. More pictures and stories to come