Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Goodbye Ndanda

So much has happened in the last month (since I last "blogged").....many good and some "interesting" experiences. Because of the interesting experiences I've decided I want to change my placement location here in Tanzania. To make a long story short, a couple of things didn't work out as I'd liked, so I've had discussions with my program manager in Dar and in process of making arrangements to move to a different hospital, relatively close to Ndanda.
And I've been finalizing travel plans.....Will be arriving in the States on July 17th and staying for 3 weeks. My sister Ellen is getting married to her fiance David, August 3rd! Looking forward to the wedding! Also will be in NYC for one weekend to visit friends and in Chicago for a couple of days as well.....
And then I return to Tanzania August 7th...... and if all goes according to plan, I would start work in a different hospital when I return.......
So, I will be changing email addresses and likely changing the website address (no longer travelingneil.blogspot.com...... I'll make a new post and inform of the website name change)......
In the meantime I'll still be using the same email address.
The other day I enjoyed a very heartwarming goodbye party hosted by the nursing staff at Maternity department. See above picture. The nurses sang me a song (7 minutes) which I was lucky to capture on video to show you and save for memories...... The video is worth more than a thousand words so I'll have to show to you in person for full effect. (Song is sung in Kiswahili but I can translate). I think if you listen to the song now, the only word you might recognize is Horlick :)
Time seems to have flown by. Its now July 1st. I have to start packing and will move out of my house by July 11th........will be in Mtwara for a couple of days, then Dar es Salaam a couple of days and then my flight leaves for the states on July 16th! I'm definitely looking forward to coming back home for a short vacation and seeing family and friends! And to eat a little (or a lot) of sushi!
Until next time, hope all is well back home and I'll inform of my new email address and website blog name. But in the meantime can you help me think of a new website name??