Inauguration day! What was it like in Lindi Tanzania?! Well fortunately CNN broadcasts live in southern Tanzania. Hours before the swearing in ceremony, I sat and watched, glued to the TV as I saw millions of Americans on the mall surrounding the capital. What a feeling of national pride, unity, great anticipation, and celebrations; I could only imagine all the emotion of a changing of power which were palpable in DC. What a great moment, but mixed emotions for me living in Tanzania, watching such a historical day for our country on another continent.
The moments building up to the swearing in ceremony were growing, more excitement, more emotion. Finally, just before 8pm, an announcement was made that the swearing in ceremony of VP Joseph Biden was to begin. There was a moment of silence and then..... darkness! The power cut out! Just as Joseph Biden was about to be sworn in.....absolutely nothing but darkness and silence. I lit a few candles and sat around and waited. And waited longer. Finally electricity returned just as broadcasters announced "And now the presidential party will leave the platform"....what a disapointment! The electrical company here, Tanesco, really dropped the ball. No one in Lindi could listen to President Obama's presidential speech! I'm so bummed.
Its great to watch the luncheon and listen to the commentary, to see all of Obama's staff and listen to his proposed agenda for the next few days and watch coverage of such a remarkable historical occasion. But I missed his inaugural speech! And apparently the Supreme Court Justice "screwed" up part of his inauguration speech. I'll just have to watch the speech on You Tube i guess......
I'm watching CNN now as the parade is about to begin down Pennsylvania Ave. I miss DC!
Only 3 weeks until I'm back in town. Definitely looking forward to returning home!
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