This is a photo of the butcher's shop. Its just down the road from my house but I've only been once because he closes at noon and I'm always working then.
I've chosen to post this picture because I simply don't have anything more exciting at the moment.
OK, So do you want the good news or bad news first? Well I'll start with the good news.....
I found out today that I will make $3,600 schillings everytime I'm on call at the hospital!!
Bad news - that equates to about $3 US dollars! Almost enough to buy a loaf of bread.
Speaking of bread, I went to the kitchen to buy some bread, eggs, milk, sausage and jam today for $7,900 Schillings. I gave the sister $8,000 and said thank you, and was about to leave but she insisted on giving me 100 Schillings - a little less than a dime! When it comes to money and budgeting I think I still haven't adjusted my thinking.
Ok here is some news that is not bad, its worse! I agreed to take call almost every third night the rest of this month! Partly because one of the AMOS (Assistant medical officers) is not going to be here for the rest of the month. I think he is spacing his calls because he is leaving.
I'm going to play it by ear and see how the calls go.....
Today's surgery schedule included a hernia repair, tibia fixation, atheroma removal, repeat c-section and total abdominal hysterectomy. I was hoping to do both the c-section and TAH. I did the repeat c-section and then I went to the other operating room and the gen. surgeon (Sr. Regina) was almost finished with the TAH.
I'm on call again tomorrow. When you take call you have to work until one pm. The call starts at 4 pm until 8 am the next morning. Then you have to work until 3 pm the next day. I'm starting to wonder if the 80 hour work week during residency was better!
Actually the call is not that bad, and my house is next to the hospital so if its quiet I can go home and try to sleep.
New to my cooking repertoire - red beans and rice! I went out on a limb and decided to try to make red beans and rice. The rice tasted like rice but the beans a little more like peanuts. Any suggestions on how to cook beans?? Your humble chef, Neil
Not being a beans fan, myself, I looked up how to cook them. It's amazing what info you can find on google :-)
Wow nice pixs.. ok now on to beans.....first you soak them overnite in salted water.....then the next day drain them and slow simmer in chicken broth, try that.
Take care with all the busy hours make sure you get your rest.
I asked Jeff to offer you suggestions for cooking beans (because he does it all the time). He said if yours tastes like peanuts, it probably beats any recipe of his!
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