I'm in Ndanda, Tanzania now! After a month of training and language classes, I'm so happy to have settled into my house in Ndanda and to begin to start work!
Yesterday I flew from Dar Es Salaam to Mtwara, the largest city in the south eastern portion of Tanzania. The flight was about an hour and a half. We made one stop in Lindi, a smaller town. I wish I had a picture of the airport - on the roof of a small house in big letters reads Welcome to Lindi Airport. It was the first time I've landed at an airport without a runway. The runway at Lindi is barely a dirt road with patches of grass and weeds scattered about. It made for a little bit of a bumpy landing! The flight from Lindi to Mtwara was only about a half an hour but with beautiful views of the Indian Ocean along the way. In Mtwara I met my "line-manager" who is the in charge hospital doctor and we drove about 2 hours to Ndanda. We stopped once along the way to buy some coconuts.
In Ndanda, I was greeted by the hospital administrator, a very friendly dutch man and the three other volunteers working here, a medical doctor from the netherlands, an american lab tech, and a community HIV counselor. I took a little driving tour of the town of Ndanda with the hospital administrator and volunteer doctor. This small town is amazing - both beautiful and very self sufficient! It is more than 100 years since a German mission post, when the town and soon after the hospital was established. There is a large German influence and presence of german monks and nuns that live in the Abbey here. Also an increasingly large African diosese is growing in the community. For a very small town, Ndanda has impressive self-sustaining sites - a hydroelectric power supply, large water filtering system, vegetable farm, stone carving and masonry shop, a nursing school,bakery, butcher, natural pond for swimming, and of course St. Benedict's Hospital.
After a tour through the town, I had dinner with the hospital administrator and the three other volunteers who prepared dinner in their house.
My day started at 8 this morning with morning report. After a quick prayer, a nurse reads a list of the census of patients in the hospital including all recent admissions, discharges, diagnoses, and pt's scheduled for surgery. I wish I had arrived one day prior, because I was told that yesterday a woman delivered twins and she had "two uteruses" or possibly an extrauterine pregnancy. I don't have the story right - what was described in board report was that a laparotomy was performed, and on inspecting the abdomen, two uteruses were seen. Both babies were delivered without complication and are doing well. I wish I was there to see!
Today's surgery schedule included one total abomdinal hysterectomy for fibroids, as well as a couple of orthopedic cases. I met the general surgeon who performed the c-section yesterday, and who was doing the hysterectomy today. She is a german nun who has been working as the sole general surgeon at the hospital for some time. I was told that the last ob/gyn to work at the hospital did so more than 5 years ago and worked for some time until he passed away.
After morning report, I was given a tour of the hospital. For a mission hospital I was very impressed. The 300 bed hospital has a separate medical and surgical ward for men and women, an antepartum unit, post partum unit, Labor and delivery. There is a main operation theatre, where general surgery, gynecologic, orthopedic, urologic, and ent procedures are performed. There is a lab, with blood bank, radiology department, an ultrasound (I didn't see today), a TB unit and an HIV/AIDS treatment care unit. After the tour I picked up some hospital attire and then had lunch in the abbey. I didn't see my line manager this afternoon, so I spent more time getting settled.
I'm going to meet the others for dinner and have an early night to make the most of tomorrow....
glad to hear you made it to your destination safely.....It sounds like you are really gaining a lot of memories to cherish and a wonderful experience as well.....we could not be happier for you.....
Great info! Thanks for sharing. :-) Can you post a picture of your accommodations?
Ndanda and St. Benedict's sound very nice. What an interesting story about the woman who gave birth to twins :-)
The house looks nice. And its good to hear that you like the people you will be working with. Keep showing us as many pictures as you can...the pics you have posted so far are great. Sammy is going to try to call you...If he can't get through give him a ring when you have time.
This is just incredible Neil!! Justin and I are so jealous of all of the experiences you have had so far and we definitely look forward to hearing all about the new ones as they come along! Stay safe and have fun! :) Keep up with blog if it is not too much work, we love reading about it!
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