Friday, September 5, 2008


Things are going well here in Lindi. Arrived Wednesday evening and met the Doctor-In-Charge of the hospital at a hotel where I'm staying for the next couple of weeks until the house that I've been assigned to is ready. Spent the day yesterday becoming familiar with the hospital and meeting a ton of new people. Again today, spent the day getting to know people and had first case in the OR - Anterior colporraphy for cystocele.

One of the biggest challenges is going to be to improve my Kiswahili, because fewer people speak English here in Lindi compared with Ndanda, so I'll need to get a better grip on speaking in Kiswahili - it will definitely make things much easier.

I've decided this blog will be a short one, the internet connection at the internet cafe here is decent compared to those in Dar and up north but its at least twice as expensive and I'm quickly running out of minutes!

Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to Mtwara. I'm going to take a Dala Dala (overcrowded minibus) to meet a bunch of other volunteers for Renee's farewell dinner. Renee's been working as HIV doctor for a gov't hospital in Mtwara for the last two years.
Will hopefully write more this weekend.

1 comment:

Arun.N.M. said...

All the best for your new posting