Wednesday, October 10, 2007


More pictures from Morogoro. Amazing sites and picturesque views in this city. I can't describe how rich the culture and people are here....
I have 2 more weeks of Kiswahili language class in Morogoro. Then I'll be back in Dar Es Salaam for 3 days of briefing on my work. Then I'll depart to Ndanda to start work at St. Benedict's Hospital.
Today we've been given the assignment to practice speaking with the locals. Quite entertaining for both of us!


dhorlic said...

Love the pictures and updates.

Ghada said...

the pictures look amazing, glad you are having a good time there, I am 1 week away from leaving for Namibia, hope I'll also have such nice pics to post.

Anonymous said...

hi neil this is isabelle wilkins - so glad we have your address - it will be fun wo watch your trip (from the board room where i now sit doing charts - how boring c/w you!)

Josh said...

Sounds like your adventure is off to a great start. Maybe Beth and I will quit our jobs and join you there. How's the weather, food, etc.? Send me your address as soon as you have one.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having a great time! What an awesome experience. Keep blogging!